First Trimester Abortion Appointment in Aurora, CO

First Trimester Surgical Procedure

The decision to undergo an abortion with a surgical procedure (Dilation and Curettage) is personal choice. Patients who prefer the procedure frequently desire the termination be complete prior to leaving the office.

The surgery is preferred after 10 weeks pregnant given the pill procedure has a higher rate of failure at this juncture. However, the surgery should be avoided if the pregnancy is very early (4-6 weeks) given the pregnancy can get missed due to its small size.

The physician will review your medical history in detail and confirm this is the best procedure for you.


A first-trimester abortion by definition is a procedure performed up to 12 weeks. The procedure is usually completed within 5-10 minutes.

The physician numbs the cervix with local anesthesia (lidocaine) and IV sedation will be administered. A pelvic exam, like a pap smear, will be performed. The physician will gradually dilate the cervix. The dilation (opening) of the cervix is performed to allow a small plastic catheter into the uterus.

The pregnancy is removed by vacuum aspiration, or suction. The tissue will be removed during the abortion procedure. No tissue is cut nor is any incisions made. Menstrual-like cramping will occur during the dilation and menstrual like bleeding will follow the procedure.

Following the procedure, patients rest comfortably under supervision for approximately 20 to 45 minutes. During this period, vital signs and bleeding are monitored, medications are given, and a light snack will be provided.

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